Значение слова водобоязнь. Водобоязнь это

причины появления симптома, способы лечения

Общие сведения о симптоме/ состоянии

Водобоязнь или бешенство – вирусное заболевание поражающее нервные клетки мозга. Обычно переносчиками инфекции являются кошки, собаки, волки, лисицы и другие. Микробы могут поражать при попадании инфицированной слюны на трещины и мелкие ранки на коже человека. Особенно опасны укусы головы и лица – в таком случае болезнь прогрессирует очень быстро и практически не оставляет шансов на лечение.

В среднем, после укуса бешенного животного, человек проживает около 10-12 дней. Поэтому важно не терять времени и сразу же обратиться к опытному специалисту за помощью.

Первые 3 дня инфицированный ощущает жжение, тупую ноющую боль на месте укуса животного -  даже если он был не глубоким и успел затянуться. Дыхание неровное, происходит в виде 2-3 спазматических сокращений, а после небольшой паузы – глубокий шумный вдох. В стадии возбуждения температура тела повышается до 37°С, появляются галлюцинации, раздражительность, светобоязнь, даже легкое прикосновение к больному, шум и сквозняк вызывает судороги.

На 4-й день судороги проявляются постоянно. Также возникает водобоязнь – при виде и звуке воды происходят рефлекторные судороги, не дающие глотнуть, изо рта идет пена. Несмотря на сильную жажду, больной не пьет воду. Хотя иногда чай или другие подкрашенные жидкости ему все же удается выпить. Постоянная рвота и потовыделение нарушают водный баланс организма, вследствие чего появляется сухость кожи.

При всем этом, бешенство вызывает повышенную сексуальную возбудимость. Были случаи, когда инфицированный, несмотря на тяжелое состояние, мог совершить до 30 половых актов за сутки.

На следующем этапе развития болезни снижается активность и агрессия, пострадавший может есть и пить, но это только усугубляет проблему, ведь все говорит о быстро приближающемся параличе и смерти.

Причины возникновения

Основная причина появления симптома водобоязни - вирус Neuroiyctes rabid, переносчиками которого выступают дикие или домашние бродячие животные. Обильное выделение пены изо рта, агрессия и внезапное нападение делают их смертоносными и очень опасными для жизни человека.

Гидрофобию также могут вызвать перенесенные ранее столбняк и истерия. Хотя тут симптом имеет скорее психологическую подоплеку на уровне рефлексов.


Что значит водобоязнь - Значения слов

Примеры употребления слова водобоязнь в литературе.

Этот вид суеверия в утонченной форме можно найти у историков и живописцев культуры, привыкших испытывать своего рода водобоязнь в отношении всякого бессмысленного совпадения фактов, которым ведь так богата жизнь отдельных людей и народов.

Я хочу выпить, - сказал собачник, в котором упоминание о водобоязни разбередило дурные наклонности.

На губах появилась синеватая пена, а изо рта вырывалось придушенное, с присвистом дыхание, как при достигшей своей последней стадии водобоязни, потому что в фазе пароксизма эта ужасная болезнь сатириазис, как удачно заметил Шарко, возмездие за развратную жизнь, принимает такие же формы, что и бешенство.

Будь так добр, - сказал Джим, - объясни мне, зачем ты накинул свое лассо на это страдающее водобоязнью животное, похожее на бочку?

Гуинплена и в водобоязни в лице Гомо, имел только один козырь - бездеятельность местных властей, являющуюся в Англии большой силой.

Собака может взбеситься впоследствии, и оставшаяся в укусе слюна ее способна привлечь духи водобоязни.

Один из важнейших признаков заболевания человека -- водобоязнь с явлениями спазма глоточной мускулатуры только при виде воды и пищи, что делает невозможным выпить даже стакан воды.

Если же коснуться водобоязни,-- сказал собачник,-- то могу сообщить следующее: вчера ночью она схватила зубами кусок моей ноги, потому что я согнал муху с руки Марчеллы.

Источник: библиотека Максима Мошкова


Водобоязнь - Достижение - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Yggdrasilius

According to http://www.knowyourmeme.com, 'Pool’s Closed is a catchphrase associated with raids carried out by 4chan’s Anonymous who obstruct areas in the virtual game Habbo Hotel. Wearing identical afros and business suits for their avatars, users formed a human blockade obstructing the game’s pool entrance.'

For further information, visit http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pools-closed

Комментарий от Toldry

Due to AIDS

Комментарий от Jeremybell

This is one of the bosses in Храм Нефритовой Змеи and the encounter is a bit similar to Скрытень из глубин and Леди Вайш. You first have to fight some adds (elementals and globs) while the boss is immune to anything. After that he will be circling and cast sprout. The room is filled with water and only certain places are not filled with water. This achievement may be earned by not touching the water in the room, or by not touching the sprout. When I am able to test this or I can get the info I will edit my post.

Комментарий от Shoddythetroll

Achievement's now renamed to Hydrophobia.At first the achievement was named "Pool's closed!"

Комментарий от Tjaffe

Clear the Instance as follows.

Lorewalker Stonestep > Wise Mari (Obtain Чистая вода) > Liu Flameheart > Sha of Doubt

You have 5 minutes after obtaining Чистая вода ( WhenWise Mari is killed the debuff is given) to defeat the Sha of Doubt end boss

Комментарий от Tjaffe

For those in doubt - This achievement is counted individually.

Just dodge all those things yourself!

Комментарий от AllOuttaPulse

As of September 29th, just "AFK" before the first boss, tell them to go without you, stand outside the room, achievement, done.

Edit: As migit stated, make sure you're behind the wall.

Комментарий от Matthest

This is a personal achievement, which means you're the only one who can screw it up for yourself, and no one else can screw it up for you.

This can be a tough one, and sometimes a little buggy at the start. They Hydrolance ability is the thing that appears to target 1/3rd of the room. The explosions at the end are pretty large, however. In fact, they're much larger than they might appear (10 yard explosion radius). Sometimes you can get unlucky with the graphic appearing at one place, but he turns a split second before the explosion, and thus explodes some other third of the room.

To avoid this, you should simply tank all adds and the boss in the back of the room. The puddle left by killing adds is not part of this achievement, so just go from side to side inside the door frame.

Once you get to phase 2, it's just jumping around in a circle. If you can keep it up for 90s-150s, you've got the achievement!

Комментарий от jaxsonbateman

The explosions and water spout are arguably pretty simple to avoid. Which makes the crux of this achievement come down to the water surrounding him, and avoiding it during the spout phase.

You can actually use Levitate to avoid taking damage from it - however, it's not 100% effective, and I'd recommend against it. What I've been finding with it is that you'd get a lap or two without taking damage from the corrupted water, and then bam, you'd take a tick of damage for some reason. It's probably best to simply jump and jump well, and focus on that over dps.

Комментарий от Naojirou

Extremely easy achievement as a Warlock. If you failed multiple times, you can use this tactic:Go to the door that opens to the entrance where you fight the 3rd boss. Place your demonic gateway parallel to boss. You might have range problems, to overcome that, you can put the gateway a bit closer to the circle (That boss stands in, can be mistaken with demonic circle).

And place your demonic circle around the door, as right as possible. When Wash Away comes, wait for the waters get close to you when you are away from your portal and use it. Next time it comes, use your gateway and rinse repeat.

NOT TESTED: Using circle glyph and using pvp gloves can decrease your portal cd to make it enough for each wash away. I did not count the timer yet, so use with your own risk.

Комментарий от Graham31004

Stand on the bridge and you get it.

Комментарий от BullDozzer

The 4 waterelementals should be taunted to, and tanked over by the exit door, this way no one should take damage from Оскверненные воды, since this only affects the pools. As you probably know, you have to run in a circle and maintain movement to avoid Смыть, also; I recommend doing this on the biggest ring of floor. Even though the wet gaps is larger there, I did find it a lot more easy to make the jump without falling off in to the Оскверненные воды.

Good Luck!

Комментарий от Swordy

WOW. I just got this while locked out of the room because I reading how to get this achievement.I just scumbag steve'd my way into Glory. :'(

Комментарий от SolidSnack

Levitate pretty much ignores the corrupted waters - the rest is cake.I just tested it - you can safely "walk" over the water... mostly.However, sometimes when you levitate and change levels, you sink to the ground for a bit. This causes you to touch the water, get hurt, lose levitate and fail the achievement. Be careful of that.

Комментарий от Tassit

I can confirm, as of 17 Nov 12, standing outside you can still get hit by his water blast and fail the achievement.

Комментарий от Elares

Can anybody tell if Hunter ability Deterrence works to ignore Wash Away?

Комментарий от Gervig

I failed this achievement because I was about to jump over to another platform as the boss died, got the speed buff from killing the boss --> landed in the water. Didn't get the achievement because the boss does his little RP death which is still considered a part of the encounter if you ask the achievement. Ye I'm kinda pissed

Комментарий от Dirani

The easiest way to accomplish this achievement if you're out of luck and/or out of skill is:

1) Ask warlock to use his soulstone on you.2) Ask healer not ot heal you when you're trying to die because of adds summoned after killing Corrupted Living Water. Make sure Tank knows that you want to die.3) Stay dead untill Wise Mari is almost killed4) Make sure he/she is not casting Hydrolance at you - if it's safe just ress from soulstone.5) Just to be sure - do ranged damage on boss with anything (I'm not sure if it's needed)

And that's it - you should get achievement if you didn't take damage from Corrupted Water, Hydrolance or Wash Away before dying.

Комментарий от Sacrolash

Here's some advice if you're interested in doing it "legitimately".

My method of getting it on my druid healer was to mainly heal with instant-cast spells and run around, using the Feline Swiftness spell for a 15% move speed increase, as well as the Pandaren Step boot enchant. Since I could stay on the move because my party members weren't taking much damage, I could afford to take a slightly wider path around the boss that didn't involve as much jumping, reducing the risk of taking damage from Corrupted Water (the main problem in getting this; it's easy to outrun Wash Away and avoid the very obviously telegraphed Hydrolance, but if you even dip your feet in the water, you fail the achieve).

On my mage, I was also able to Blink through the Wash Away, and other classes may have teleport abilities, but this required fairly precise timing.

Комментарий от Roguesaxaphone

As an assassination rogue with an ilvl of 516, the achievement and boss itself can be solo'd. I got glyph of recuperate, shiv and deadly momentum. The big water elementals were hitting me for 36k-40k. With leeching poison and recuperate going for 20k the damage was nothing. I admit it, I did mess up on the achievement. One word of advise, do not strafe jump and take the time to angle yourself.

Комментарий от tiggerbox29

OK i have a slow unresponsive computer so i knew this achieve would be a pain

So if you wanna do it the easy way just grab Жертвенный кинжал Ра'ши Commit suicide just before the hydrolance and pick up your achieve!

Комментарий от Daggai

Here's an interesting tidbit that people trying to get this achievement might want to know:

Because so many people have blown the trumpet that it is indeed possible to get this achievement by being a jerkwad and standing behind a wall instead of fighting the boss, it is very likely that your jade temple run may have someone trying to fudge it in this way. Well, good news! It turns out that you can kick these people during the Wise Mari encounter!

Today a hunter joined up and stood behind the wall while the rest of the group went on to fight boss, and, knowing what he was doing, I got a little agitated and voted to kick (it passed, jerkwad didn't get achievement). Voted while Wise Mari was summoning corrupted waters, not sure if you can vote to kick during the actual fight with Wise Mari, but you usually know before you start damaging him that people are doing this.

A lesson to those of you trying to earn the achievement the scumbag way; it's not a sure way to get it, so you may as well try it the right way.

Комментарий от PriestessAur

The easiest way to get this achievement now is to go in with a tank and 4dps (have the healer go dps), pop hero and blow up Wise Mari before his spout makes it all the way around.

Комментарий от HelloKitty

Had a friend who started the Wise Marl encounter and then got ported out to do the Love Is In The Air boss.

Upon killing the Love Is In The Air boss, he got Hydrophobia credit.

Комментарий от Capnkernow

Duo'ed this with an Elemental Shaman and a Guardian Druid (Me!), the Shaman hit Mari with an Instant cast (Flame Shock) and ran out of the room before the encounter started. as long as he stayed around the corner he did not get hit by the Wash Away.

I then proceeded to nuke him down and once he was dead the achievement popped for the Shammy.

Комментарий от Opiwan88

100 Night Elf Rogue. I can confirm a couple things. I solod this achievement, meleed the corrupt living waters and stood in the pools of residue. if I walked in the corrupt water, i vanished, the boss reset, had to do did this a couple times, and was still able to get the achievement. One fail didn't force me to wait for the instance to reset, vanish did the trick.

Комментарий от bgzkinsella

Just solo'd with 100 Fury warrior with 646 ilvl. Pretty simple, just had to make sure I didn't accidently step in the water. After he burst the bubble, I was able to run in and nuke him before he did a full round with Wash Away.

Комментарий от GDerkon

I was habing some issues with the boss and the Hydolance, so I figured the best was just to stand under one of the fountains at the side of the boss... the ones near to the entrance are the ones you must duck in, when the boss casts Hydrolance, go below one, you'll see the waters corrupt, once the attack is done, kill the Waters, and repeat..Remember to WAIT FOR THE FINAL RP (The achieve is granted once you CAN LOOT the boss, if you can, dont step on water)

Hope it helps.

Комментарий от AliceInAcidland

Soloable by Unholy DKs without avoiding stuff(or even moving).

Stand in the back of the room.Save runic power when fighting the adds. When the 4th big add dies, use army, then wait until he finish casting bubble burst.Then pop your potion, Gargoyle, Outbreak, then spam Death Coil and Icy Touch.It might take a few tries, because sometimes, he casts Wash Away at your face.

Was ilvl 684 when I did this, you might need to use Dark Transformation if your burst isn't high enough.

Комментарий от Darkdefender

Extremely annoying achievement. Even when you're 'done' with the encounter he still has to end his speech so you can get the achievement, otherwise if you step inside the water before he ends the speech you'll fail. Been failing for 2 days in a row now thanks to that.

Комментарий от Gwiez

I had this bug out 2 times, I didn't enter the water until after the RP ended (the second time I even waited 5 minutes to move). I know at least one of the times, I spent the entire phase of the fight on the lower level. And I think I did phase 1 on the lower level for the other time too. This meant hydrolance was going off on the pool in front of me, but I wasn't getting hit by it.

On my third attempt, I did both phases on the top level. And I got the achievement. I didn't even stand behind the pool with hydrolance for phase 1, just to be cautious.

Комментарий от Mydge

I was a bit nervous on this one, not wanting to stuff it up by jumping incorrectly.

The phase 1 mobs are nothing to worry about at 100. I even stood in the bad to see how much damage it did, barely anything.

The speed boost on feral kitty always gets me for precision jumping (I always overshoot my landing).

Instead, I ran around the outer ring, keeping ahead of the water beam and spammed moonfire. Only took two full rounds and was incredibly stress free.

Advice about waiting for RP to end before looting is spot on, also.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Hydrophobia https://youtu.be/ph6N_rU9uUw

Комментарий от LeonessDK

Just thought I'd mention this, in case someone still has difficulties with this one :)

Keep your combat log open, so you can see if you take damage from any of his spells (Hydrolance, Corrupted water or Wash away). Damage from the adds and the blue stuff they leave behind does NOT fail the achievement.

I did it with my hunter, and using feign death if I by any chance got hit, made this pretty easy, since I had my combat log open. No waste of time and no lockouts :)

Also, do not kill the add that he spawns before it reaches the floor. If you do, it won't be able to turn into the tiny blobs and thus bugging the boss so he won't spawn more adds.

He will become vulnerable after you've killed 4 of the big adds. Once he drops the shield and starts spewing out the spout of water, just run clockwise and hit him hard. Being lvl 100 with decent gear, it shouldn't take more than 1 barrage and a kill shot. And if you get a head start, you shouldn't even have to jump any of the pools.

And yes, stand still until he stops his little dramatic death talk. The achievement will ding once he flops over. Got it yesterday and it was easy peasy :)

Can also note, that it's completely doable to finish off the Cleaning Up AND the Seeds of Doubt achiv in the same instance, as long as you do the library boss first, so the gate to Liu Flamehart is open :) Just do it with a friend.

Cheers!Rilahfalco - Silvermoon

Комментарий от worldpk

Little note: With lvl 110, you can now one hit KO this boss with certain skills. DO NOT DO SUCH! I Just 100-0 him in 1 skill and did not get any achievement, locked me inside the room, no RP from the boss and saved to the instance.

Комментарий от AffonsoFonfera

- Don't Hit Kill the Boss- Wait mobs to get to the ground, then hit kill them (dont worry about the bubbles, AoE the ones next to you)- Don't stand on bad stuff- When the boss drop down his barrier, kill it fast.

Комментарий от fluegu

I tried this achievement on my 100 Blood DK.

I had my combat log open the whole time and got one hit of Sha Residue but that spell isn't listed. But I didn't get my achievement.

Комментарий от Enthorn

Level 110 mage -- didn't get hit by anything (combat log open). Killed all four summoned waters, killed the blobs, his shield went down, killed him. Did not receive credit. And yes, it was on Heroic difficulty.

Комментарий от Blondina

Easiest way - go just inside dungeon - bring a friend - have friend kill Wise Mari :o)

Комментарий от Alechs777

Simple for any class with pet. Place your minion/pet next to boss and let it tank him, stay as close to the water barrier blocking the entrance as possible (you can reset the fight if something goes wrong). No spell will reach you. Tip for every class: don't kill corrupted water too quickly - if it doesn't target you/your pet, and you kill it right after the spawn, it won't turn into corrupt droplets so next waters won't spawn. And you're stuck with him casting Hydrolance.

Комментарий от Papa63

We went in with two. When she was attacked she went in a bubble and stayed that way. Never been touched by anything anymore. She was almost at full health after one attack. We reset it twice but every time the same.

Комментарий от bdamages

Failed on various toons trying to solo at 110 until I brought my frost mage; just stayed at max range (bottom of steps in boss room). Elemental and bolts dropped adds and boss, didn't even have to move.

Комментарий от wscott2420

Finally got around to getting this on my DK.Theres a small alcove on each side when you go in.If you have a minion,set them to attack Mari while you stand in one of these alcoves.Spells wont reach you and the adds will come to you so you can kill them freely while your minion waits for the bubble to break.

Комментарий от thenarutardd

One thing i would like to add for anyone who is high level enough to one shot him:

Use some sort of CC or Threat Generating spell to start the fight without taking damage from anything and when he spawns the "Corrupted Water" add, let it start walking then one shot otherwise the encounter gets bugged and the boss won't stop spamming "Hydrolance" and his shield won't disappear locking you inside the fight. Good luck.

Комментарий от Meralan

Solo'ed this today as hunter. After 15 tries the past few weeks.See my video https://youtu.be/kzPVpKVT9cs

Make sure not to don't touch the water entering the boss area.Stand on the stage in the back of the room.Place your passive pet next to the boss, and the fight will begin.Nuke the spawning adds, but first after they begin to move or it will bugg.After 4 adds she will cast a beam of water. Don't get hit by this.Run around the fountain and jump over the places with water.Nuke the boss and vola...

Follow the path in the video. And soz for the quality and sound =D

Комментарий от Thehuntress84

Attempted this achievement in patch 8.0.1 on my 110 shadow priest. I found the following:

1. One shotting the boss does not provide the achievement and I couldn't get out of the boss room afterwards.

2. Nuking the adds too fast causes the boss to do endless rounds of hydrolance and again, I was locked in the boss room.

In both these circumstances rather than hearthstone my way out, I made a group in group finder and then left the group, which after a minute teleported me to the graveyard right outside the dungeon.

I tried it again by just using dots on the adds and the boss and I got the achievement.


Бешенство (водобоязнь, гидрофобия)

beshenstvoБешенство (водобоязнь, гидрофобия) — острая вирусная болезнь, возникающая после попадания на поврежденную кожу слюны инфицированного животного. Характеризуется развитием своеобразного энцефалита со смертельным исходом.

Этиология, патогенез. Возбудитель относится к группе рабдовирусов. Патогенен для многих теплокровных животных, которые начинают выделять вирус со слюной за 7-8 дней до появления клинических симптомов. После внедрения через поврежденную кожу вирус по нервным стволам достигает головного мозга, вызывая в нем отек, кровоизлияния, дегенерацию нервных клеток. Вирус попадает также в слюнные железы и со слюной выделяется во внешнюю среду.

Симптомы, течение. Инкубационный период длится от 10 дней до года (чаще 1-3 мес). Выделяют 3 стадии заболевания: I — начальную (депрессии), II — возбуждения и III — параличей. Начальная стадия длится 1-3 дня. В это время у больного появляются неприятные ощущения в области укуса или ослюнения (жжение, тянущие боли, зуд), хотя рана уже зарубцевалась, беспричинная тревога, депрессия, бессонница.

Стадия возбуждения характеризуется гидрофобией, аэрофобией и повышенной чувствительностью. Гидрофобия (водобоязнь) проявляется в том, что при попытке пить, а затем лишь при приближении к губам стакана с водой у больного возникает судорожное сокращение мышц глотки и гортани, дыхание становится шумным в виде коротких судорожных вдохов, возможна кратковременная остановка дыхания. Судороги могут возникнуть от дуновения в лицо струи воздуха (аэрофобия). Температура тела субфебрильная. Слюноотделение повышено, больной не может проглотить слюну и постоянно ее сплевывает. Возбуждение нарастает, появляются зрительные и слуховые галлюцинации. Иногда возникают приступы буйства с агрессивными действиями. Через 2-3 дня возбуждение сменяется параличами мышц конечностей, языка, лица. Смерть наступает через 12-20 ч после появления параличей.

В качестве вариантов течения выделяют бульварную форму с выраженными симптомами поражения продолговатого мозга, паралитическую (начинается с параличей, иногда типа Ландри) и мозжечковую с мозжечковыми расстройствами.

Дифференцируют от столбняка, энцефалитов, энцефаломиелитов, истерии. Возможно обнаружение антигена вируса бешенства в отпечатках с поверхности роговицы глаза. После смерти больных диагноз подтверждается гистологическим и иммунофлюоресцентным исследованиями головного мозга.

Лечение. После появления клинических симптомов спасти больных не удается. Больных помещают в затемненную звукоизолированную палату. Вводят повторно морфин, аминазин, димедрол, хлоралгидрат в клизмах. Продлить жизнь пациента позволяет введение миорелаксантов и перевод больных на ИВЛ.

Профилактика. Проводят борьбу с бешенством среди животных и предупреждают бешенство у людей, подвергшихся укусам инфицированных животных. При укусе рану промывают мыльной водой, прижигают спиртовым раствором йода. Хирургическое иссечение краев раны и наложение швов в первые дни противопоказаны. Антирабические прививки эффективны, когда их начинают не позднее 14-го дня от момента укуса. При укусах в голову, лицо, множественных укусах (когда нельзя исключить короткий инкубационный период) применяют антирабический иммуноглобулин.

